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Little Wiwa Collab 2024

Welcome to the Little Wiwa® team!

We look forward to working with you and establish new connections with you and your special little ones. 

As part of the Collab Team,

  • You will experience our product/s over a two month period and share a glimpse of your own ‘Little Wiwa’ world. 
  • You will receive 1 x Little Wiwa Play Mat of your choice
  • You will be invited to be our Brand Affiliate and provided with a dedicated Discount Code for your followers and opportunity to gain rewards during the Collab period (with optional extension)

Specifically, we are looking for:-

✔️ Engaging and creative visual storytellers 

✔️ Loves and have flair for minimalist décor and photography

✔️ Ability to create genuine, engaging conversations with their readers & followers

✔️ Have the creativity and ability to highlight products adhering to Little Wiwa® mood guide.
[Click here to view Little Wiwa Mood Guide]


In a stretch of 2 months, we ask our brand collab while adhering to Little Wiwa 
mood guide to provide the following contents:

  • 2-3 Videos/ Instagram Reels with the mat as a highlight - unique, creative and fun/engaging - some examples include, nursery/room tour, use of play mat in other areas of your home, baby tummy time, play time, messy eating, showcase ease of cleaning etc.

  • Minimum of 10 creatively visual and engaging high-resolution images. (Please provide Raw Images as well as your own Edited Imags)
Photography Guidelines:
  • Little Wiwa play mats as the highlight in the images
  • Natural and bright soft lighting
  • Crisp, bright and modern edit 
  • Clear with no excessive / grainy filters
  • In a Playroom/ Living/ Bedroom setting
  • No simple close ups (context required)

By becoming Little Wiwa® Rep/Collab, you agree to the terms and conditions below. 

    1. Each Little Wiwa® Collab must have a public Instagram profile.
    2. Each Little Wiwa® Collab required to adhere to Little Wiwa® Style Guide and provide the above deliverables. A dedicated Dropbox Folder will be set up within a period of 2 months.
    3. Within the 2 month period,  Little Wiwa® Collabs are required to post a minimum of 2 Instagram Reels.
    4. Little Wiwa® Collab will be representing Little Wiwa® for a minimum of 2 month period after which extension is possible as mutually agreed.

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